About The Printed Directory of Chiropractic Doctors

The National Directory of Chiropractic
The National Directory of Chiropractic "printed version" has been the chiropractic profession's directory for over 14 years. It is designed mainly for use within the chiropractic community. The Directory is made up of three parts and each serves a vital need for the chiropractic clinic.
The White Pages, made up of over 65,000 listings, serve as the profession's main referral tool. Listing the individual clinic's services and techniques, it enables doctors to make educated decisions when a referral is necessary.
The Yellow Pages include listings for the business aspect of chiropractic including organizations, associations and colleges.
The National Directory of Chiropractic was founded by a chiropractor as a way to help serve his profession. It has evolved into a foundation which is very proud to be maintaining and making available the most accurate information on the chiropractic profession.
7404 S. Union Park Ave
Midvale, UT 84047
Fax: 801-521-3396
Email: Support@Chirodirectory.com